How Listening TED Talks Help To Improve Spoken English Skills

FastInfo Class
6 min readFeb 18, 2023


Ted Talks for Spoken English Learners

Are you looking for an enjoyable and effective way to improve your spoken English skills? If so, TED Talks might just be the perfect solution for you. These talks are a great way to learn new things and stay informed about current events, but they can also help you improve your spoken English skills.

In this article, we will explore and provide some useful tips to use these most powerful learning resources to sharpen your knowledge and English communication skills.

What Are Ted Talks?

TED Talks are informative and inspiring speeches given by experts in their respective fields, covering a wide range of topics from science and technology to arts and culture. These talks are usually given by experts in their respective fields and are designed to educate, inspire, and entertain audiences. They are available online and have become popular for their ability to convey complex ideas in an engaging and accessible way.

Advantages of TED Talks as a medium to increase Spoken English Skills

◽ Exposure to the English Language

One of the biggest advantages of listening to TED Talks is exposure to the English language. By listening to native English speakers, you will become more familiar with the language, and its pronunciation. You will also pick up new vocabulary and grammar structures, which will help you in your day-to-day conversations.

◽ Listening Comprehension Practice

Listening comprehension is an essential component of learning a language, and TED Talks are a great way to practice this skill. By listening to speakers at different speeds and levels of complexity, you can improve your ability to understand English spoken at a natural pace. Additionally, TED Talks come with subtitles in various languages, making it easier for you to follow along and understand the content.

◽ Exposure to Diverse Accents

TED Talks attract speakers from all over the world, which means that you will be exposed to a wide variety of accents. This exposure will help you develop your listening comprehension skills and improve your ability to understand different accents and dialects. You will also learn to recognize different intonations and rhythms, which are essential for effective communication.

◽ Building Confidence in Speaking

Another advantage of listening to TED Talks is that it can help build your confidence in speaking English. By listening to experts speaking with passion and authority, you will gain insight into how to express yourself more effectively. You can also learn from their delivery style, which can help you improve your own public speaking skills.

◽ Learning about Different Topics

TED Talks cover a broad range of topics, from science and technology to arts and culture. By listening to these talks, you will not only improve your English-speaking abilities but also expand your knowledge of different subjects. This exposure can help you to communicate more effectively and confidently about a variety of topics in English.

Tips for Using TED Talks to Improve Your English Learning

▪ Choose Topics that Interest You

To make the most out of TED Talks, choose topics that you are genuinely interested in. When you enjoy the subject matter, you are more likely to engage with the content and learn from it.

▪ Start with Easy Talks

If you are new to TED Talks, start with easier talks and work your way up to more complex ones. This approach will help you build your confidence and listening comprehension skills gradually.

▪ Watch with Subtitles

Use subtitles in your language or in English to help you follow along with the talk. This approach can help you pick up new vocabulary and sentence structures, improving your listening comprehension skills.

▪ Listen Repeatedly

Listening to the same talk multiple times to very much helpful for your learning. This approach can help you to understand the content more deeply and improve your vocabulary and grammar structures.

Top 10 TED speech for Language Learners

Top 10 Ted Talks For Spoken English Learners

There are countless TED Talks available online, covering a wide range of topics and interests. By exploring different topics and speakers, you can find the talks that resonate with you and provide the most value for your language learning journey. Here, are some top TED Talks for spoken English learners that are engaging, informative, and accessible:

1. “The Art of Being Yourself” by Caroline McHugh

In this talk, McHugh explores the importance of authenticity and encourages listeners to embrace their unique qualities. Her engaging delivery and clear language make this talk an excellent choice for English learners who want to practice their listening comprehension skills.

2. “The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown

Brown’s powerful talk about the importance of vulnerability has become one of the most popular TED Talks of all time. Her clear and articulate delivery, combined with her relatable content, make this talk a must-watch for English learners.

3. “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy

Cuddy’s talk explores the relationship between body language and self-confidence. Her clear and engaging delivery, combined with the helpful visuals, make this talk an excellent choice for English learners who want to practice their listening and speaking skills.

4. “How to Speak So That People Want to Listen” by Julian Treasure

In this talk, Treasure provides tips for speaking effectively and engagingly. His clear and well-paced delivery, combining useful examples and practical advice, make this talk a valuable resource for English learners who want to improve their speaking skills.

5. “The Surprising Science of Happiness” by Dan Gilbert

Gilbert’s engaging talk explores the science of happiness and what factors contribute to our overall sense of well-being. His clear and relatable delivery, combined with the engaging content, make this talk an excellent choice for English learners who want to practice their listening comprehension skills.

6. “How to Spot a Liar” by Pamela Meyer

Meyer’s fascinating talk provides insights into how to detect when someone is lying. Her clear and engaging delivery, combined with helpful examples and practical advice, make this talk a great choice for English learners who want to improve their listening comprehension skills.

7. “The art of misdirection” by Apollo Robbins

In this talk, Apollo Robbins, a renowned magician, shares his insights into the art of misdirection and how it can be applied to public speaking. He offers tips on how to capture and maintain your audience’s attention, using examples from his own experience as a performer.

8. “The Secret to Learning a New Language” by Lýdia Machová

As a polyglot and language mentor, Lýdia shares her approach to language learning in this informative Ted Talk. She believes that the key to mastering a new language is to find your own learning style, practice consistently, and focus on your goals and interests. Machová also shares practical tips on how to overcome common obstacles such as fear of making mistakes, lack of motivation, and limited exposure to native speakers.

9. “The Art of Public Speaking” by Chris Anderson

This talk offers valuable insights into how to become a more effective public speaker in English, including tips on how to structure your talk, connect with your audience, and convey your ideas clearly and convincingly.

10. “How to learn any language in six months” by Chris Lonsdale

In this talk, Chris Lonsdale shares his methods for learning a new language quickly and effectively. He emphasizes the importance of immersion and active engagement, encouraging learners to use the language they are learning in real-life situations.


In conclusion, listening to TED Talks is an effective and enjoyable way to improve your spoken English skills. Exposure to the language, diverse accents, and a broad range of topics can help you to develop your listening comprehension, build your confidence in English speaking, and expand your vocabulary. Follow the tips provided in this article to make the most out of this resource, and you will be well on your way to improving your English-speaking abilities.



FastInfo Class
FastInfo Class

Written by FastInfo Class

FastInfo Class learning platform helps to reinvent and recreate your personality with spoken English skills.

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